What do you do when your newborn baby is screaming bloody murder? Change his diaper? Done. Feed him? Done. Make sure he's not to hot or cold? Check. Bounce him or rock him? Tried it. Shush him? Done. This kid will NOT STOP SCREAMING. He is 5 weeks old, and today he has not you'd think he was doing a 24 hour audition for a death metal group. Or testing the structural integrity of his vocal chords. You'd think he'd eventually blow his throat out and lose his frickin' voice. He had a very busy day yesterday. A team of my wife's friends (one who happens to be a very talented professional photographer) came over and did a photo shoot with the kid. He cried a lot during that. I wanted to go play Golf, rather than be in the way of 6 women hovering over an infant. I couldn't get my Dad to go play because he was too busy. Eventually, he would find the time to go play Golf with my Uncle, however. Nice guy, huh? After the photo session, we took the baby to my Aunt's house so he could visit with some of the family. He was pretty well behaved for that.
Today, we figured we'd hang out at the house, and just chill. I wanted to watch a lot of Golf on TV. Believe me, that shit didn't happen. This kid cries, and screams, and cries, and screams. Then just when he appears to be calming down, he some how gets given to me and he proceeds to go ballistic.
I don't know what I did, or who I pissed off. But nothing about my journey of Fatherhood has been easy thus far. And it's only been about 5 weeks.
I guess I could just start being an asshole and not take any part in his care or development like a lot of men out there. Or I can tuck my tail between my legs, and hope that I don't have a nervous breakdown.
Hey, at least I get to go back to work tomorrow...
:( hang in there. it won't get easier overnight, but it will get better